Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Scared or Excited???

It is winding down. This thirteen year life. Our lives are all about to change, somes' will change drastically and somes' will only change a little. These days are what we lived for and now we are living for a new day. I don't know if I should be scared or if I should be excited.
Day to day we never really see the end coming near. Everyone knows they have four years left when you become a freshman, and man can you not wait to get out. It is so much harder than middle school but nothing compares to what it feels like to be done. Where do we go from here? I have only spent 18,720 hours in school give or take a 1,000 for some of us. It might sound like a life time but really it is not even a quarter of our lives.
We can only hope that our years to come are as joy filled and fun as these were. Walking the halls without passes and being able to just leave if our stomachs hurt. It will all change very soon. Some of us will cry, some of us will laugh, and some will not even show up. For all of us we can tell ourselves that we did it. It will be different and exciting but also scary.